Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Good things in the world

Life has been crazy so I haven't posted anything in a while but this one deserved my attention.

I wanted to share with everyone a blog that my fiance stumbled across today that I think everyone should take the time to read: 40 Extraoridnary Things Happening Right Now (from http://www.marcandangel.com/)
It talks about how even though it may seem like nothing good is going on in the world, in fact there are at least 40 things happening right this second that make life wonderful.  One of my favorites, and I have many from this list, is #36 "A breast cancer patient just found out her cancer is in complete remission." And it's very true! Every day, all day long cancer patients are finding out that they are cancer free and are now living their lives without the horrible disease.  So much of discussion about cancer talks about how many people are hearing the words "you have cancer" and not nearly enough is about the numbers of people hearing that their cancer is in remission. 

However, I did see a wonderful episode of TLC's Cake Boss last night about the American Cancer Society's campaign of A World With More Birthdays.
Here's more information about the wonderful episode: http://morebirthdays.com/page/cakeboss
The cake that Carlo's Bakery made was a wonderful representation about how the bakery staff have be effected by cancer and how they want to give back. Also, during the original airing of the episode a couple of More Birthdays commercials aired which was awesome to see! Take a look at some of these at MoreBirthdays.com and send an e-card with one of them to a friend or family member for their birthday!

The efforts that the American Cancer Society and all organizations dedicated to finding a cure for cancer are making can be seen everywhere! I love seeing all of these wonderful and inspiring stories/websites/shows. We still have a long way to go but there are definitely good stories in the world.

Until We Find a Cure

Monday, July 11, 2011

Learning So Much!!

I started my new job with the American Cancer Society over a month ago and it has been wonderful! I got to be the main staff person for a event in the middle of June, meet community managers from other offices in the South Atlantic division at training and work with amazing volunteers/staff.  Every day is different and every day I learn something new.  I cannot wait to start working on the 2012 events with my communities and really get the chance to work with them since I came in after so many of their events were over.  The 2011 year's events are wrapping up but there is still so much work to do.

I've got big plans/ideas for my events and I cannot wait to see what they think of them. Stay tuned to learn how you can help!

Until We Find a Cure