Monday, June 10, 2013

Relay with the family

One of the neat things about Relay is that everyone can participate! This year my family got to attend the Relay For Life of Central Harford, MD together - it was the first time in couple of years we got to all Relay together (and the first time in 6 months we were all in the same place at the same time!!)

I've shared my reasons to Relay before but for my family our reasons hit close to home.  In January 2001 my dad lost his father to lung cancer and in November 2009 my mom lost her mother to breast  & uterine cancers. We Relay has a whole family in their memories because we all know what it's like to lose a parent or grandparent and none of us want anyone else to experience that lose. We also Relay in memory of our 4 legged family member - Gracie - who we lost in April to cancer.

Our team consists of my family and teachers/faculty and their family from my mom's school.  We decorate our site every year and this year the decorations were top notch! Playing off the theme of There's No Place Like Hope our decorations were of the wicked "cancer" witches destroyed by Hope & Cure.

It was a blast hanging out with my family at Relay (and the weather was great!) and maybe someday we'll all get to attend Relay together celebrating the cure.

Until We Find a Cure

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Since I've managed to get way behind on my blog I wanted to catch everyone up on my fundraising efforts.

As of 6/4/13 I have raised....$1,055!!
Thank you to everyone who donated to help me pass my original goal of $1K.  There is still time to fundraise and I'd love to raise at least another couple hundred.

Reaching Grand Club Status is a fantastic honor and I've only achieved it once before.  I really hope to make this a pattern every year and maybe some year soon I'll pass the $2K mark! Or be the top fundraiser for my event!Not only did I reach Grand this year but my mom has as well! We are the first two from our team to reach it and I'm hoping its a trend for the future.

If you'd like to help me reach my new goal of $1500 make a donation today.
Let's help the American Cancer Society celebrate 100 years of fighting back against cancer and help finish the fight against this awful disease.

Speaking of the American Cancer Society's 100th Birthday, I created a Life List.  A Life List is my way of showing what I've done and what I would like to do as the American Cancer Society is helping to create more birthdays and therefore more people are able to create Life Lists. Check out mine:
You can make your own life list at today.

Until We Find a Cure