Friday, April 13, 2012

LU Relay For Life is TONIGHT!

First off it has been far too long since my last post (I think it was Jan 31?!), things haven't slowed down and I haven't had a second to even contemplate what to write.  This post however HAD to happen:

Tonight is the Relay For Life of Liberty University! It is only their second year as a full 12 hour event and really only their first year as a stand alone event. I could not be happier and prouder of the work the committee has done, they have huge hearts for Relay and I'm incredibly excited for their event tonight.

As of 9am this morning (and believe me this number will change big time!) they have 376 participants on 48 teams and have raised $10,283.  I'm anxious to see how much that number jumps throughout the day.  And I have been warned that the numbers will definitely continue to jump.

The event may be young but they are already holding big challenges and really trying to engage their students.  I may or may not have brought some ideas from my four years with VTRelay but that's what a part of Relay is - sharing ideas to make everyone successful.  The biggest one I've brought to them is 10 For 10.  At  VTRelay that meant $10,000 a day for 10 days, for LU Relay For Life it means that each participant raises $10 a day for 10 days.  For it being last minute and a totally new concept to everyone, it has been very successful.  Our 10 For 10 even included THREE percentage nights! Thanks Moe's, Cici's and Bdubs!

Their theme tonight is Hope Has No Curfew which plays off the fact that their on campus students do have a curfew each night but that tonight they are allowed to break curfew and help fight back against cancer.  Also, cancer doesn't go to bed when we go to bed, it continues to rear it's ugly head all night long.  They have taken this theme and really run with it.  We have a logo for the theme and each team selected a country to represent all of the time zones in the world and they are to decorate their campsite to represent their country.

If you live near Lynchburg, Virginia come out tonight and support the incredible work these students have done in the fight against cancer.  They have some great guest speakers lined up and a ton of entertainment to keep the students awake and energized all night long.


I'll try to post again next week, I have another Relay next weekend that I have to brag about as well! And I nave to give you all the rest of my reasons to Relay (as promised in a January post)

Until We Find a Cure