Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Why you should donate to ME

Now that the holiday season is in full swing, I'm going to be a little selfish and let YOU the reader know why you should donate to ME.

I meant to get this post out yesterday, since yesterday was "Cyber Monday" but I decided that everyone's focus wouldn't be on donating but instead on buying things so I decided to wait.  However nothing says you can't "spend" money today by donating.  Here's why you need to donate to my personal fundraising page:

  • Bring HOPE to cancer patients everywhere - you're donation will help fund cancer research; and provide free services to cancer patients such as free wigs, support groups, transportation, and lodging.
  • Get in your last minute tax write-off for 2011 - yup after you donate you'll receive an electronic receipt that can be used when you file your taxes
  • You're gift can be DOUBLED - most companies will match your charitable contribution and donate the same amount to me, so why not make a donation and have your company do the same.
  • Donate instead of buying me a Christmas or Birthday present - every year I present an option for my friends and family to forgo a present (my birthday and Christmas are 7 days apart) and make a charitable donation.  I do this because I don't need materials items when instead I'd much rather receive donations to help find a cure for cancer! So...this year I'll be 23 so why not donate $23!
  • You'll feel better! - Giving to others will make you a kinder and happier person and I bet that donating makes that feeling last even longer (UC Berkeley Article)
  • Hand written thank you card - If you donate I'll send you a hand written thank you card to let you know how much I appreciate your donation!
Now I guess I should clarify...the list above doesn't just apply to me (except maybe the "gift" one), they apply whenever you donate to the American Cancer Society but I'm making the plea for you to donate to me because well this is my blog.  My goal is to raise $1300 this year and I can't do that alone, I need your help.  So take a few minutes and visit my personal fundraising page and donate today because you will help Save More Lives!  Here's where I stand, my team stands and the event stands as of 11/29/11:

Let's make all 3 bars reach the top!
Fundraising Update!
I have raised $130 so I'm 10% of the way to my goal!! (11/30/11)

Until We Find a Cure

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