Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Bedford Relayed with...NO RAIN!

In Bedford it doesn't rain a ton but it almost always seems to rain when Bedford wants to Relay...except in 2012!  From what I've heard this was the first year in possibly as many as 4 that the event wasn't altered or cut short thanks to the weather.  In fact it was beautiful! We Relayed this year at the National D-Day Memorial for the first time this year (last year they were forced indoors) and it was one of the most beautiful Relay locations I've ever been to.  The traffic circle where we set up camp sits at the top of a hill overlooking the Blue Ridge mountains in Bedford County.

This year event had 275 participants on 25 teams, but I think we had closer to 400 people there for the opening ceremonies and survivor lap.  Our theme was "Country Fair" and to really show people we know our theme we borrowed a local hayride to transport the survivors from the survivor lap to the the survivor reception at the school down the hill.  The survivors loved the ride and it was a perfect tie in for the theme.  Local bands/singers played throughout the evening and people enjoyed the nice weather to walk with friends and enjoy the view. 

The glow at the top of the image is the flame in the torch,
the sign is directly in front of the torch.
I don't think I've witnessed a more heartfelt luminaria ceremony than the one in Bedford.  They sell the traditional white bags, along with gold bags that have stars cut out of them, and torches.  These torches are an incredible sight and are truly touching.  The main part of their ceremony is the reading of names.  The event chairs read the names of all the bags/torches at the event, which really brings the reason of Relaying to everyone.  Whether you know a name on that list or not, it shows how much this community cares about the loved ones who are fighting cancer, who have fought cancer, and who they've lost to cancer.

As the sun came up over the memorial, those of us still walking took our final laps and began to packup.  The weather was gorgeous, the participants had a ton of fun, and it was a beautiful event!

This event has overcome some obstacles but they have come out a head, well on their way to reaching goal.  Help Bedford reach goal by donating today at www.RelayForLife.org/BedfordVA

Until We Find a Cure

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