Monday, January 9, 2012

Winter Fundraising Ideas

With snow starting fall across the country I figured it sounded like a good time to present some more fundraising ideas!  Also, I'm creating this list for an event this Thursday night so it was perfect timing.

Just because it's cold and there is snow outside (or in the case of Roanoke...rain), that doesn't mean your fundraising has to stop.  You always have the opportunity to fundraise online via email, facebook, twitter, blogs, etc... but here are 5 other ways to fundraise.

1) Shovel sidewalks and driveways for donations.  Offer to clear snow and ice for a donation for elderly neighbors or so moms and dads can spend the time playing in the snow with their children instead of snowing.  It's not only a great way to do something nice for more than one person (the person your clearing snow for AND the cancer patients that donation will save) but you also get a great workout in!

2) Snow man building contest! Okay so this requires both planning and spontaneity.  You'll need to plan a head by getting the word for when the first big snow hits that everyone needs to be ready, and so you can have a prize ready to award.  But since you can't plan the snow you'll also need to understand that building will commence at any time. So basically have people meet at a local park with their snowman building materials, and a small entry fee (maybe $10), with the winner of the contest getting a piece of Relay For Life swag.

3) Polar Bear Plunge.  I don't understand it but there is something about running into freeeezing cold water that people love to do in the winter, so why not make it a charity event for Relay For Life. Plan a day for all those crazy polar bear plungers to meet at the local lake (or ocean if you live on the coast) and charge an entry fee to run into the cold water.  It'll get your blood pumping and you'll help save lives.

4) Babysit.  Okay so this may not seem like a winter fundraiser but think of it this and dad have been at home every weekend with their kids since Thanksgiving and are ready for a day away (that doesn't involve work)...sooo offer to watch their kids for a few hours so they can enjoy a day to themselves.  Then instead of keeping the money for yourself, donate it!  You'll feel great about giving deserving parents a day (or weekend) off and you'll feel great about making a great donation to Relay For Life.  In case you haven't babysat in a while...I hear the running rate for a babysitter has gone up.

5) Hold a Relay For Life workout day.  Every year people make a resolution to work out and right now they are probably following through on those resolutions so capitalize! Hold a Zumba day, or a step class where the admission to the class goes towards Relay For Life.  Some instructors will donate their time for free so there's an expense you wont have!  The American Cancer Society doesn't just promote finding a cure for cancer but also living a healthier, active lifestyle.

There are many more ideas, but this blog would go on forever.  You can fundraise during anytime of the year, you just might have to tailor the fundraise to fit the season, or the weather.  Want to make a donation right now?! Donate here!

Happy New Year and Happy Fundraising!

Until We Find a Cure

1 comment:

  1. We always do that - Especially the Polar Bear Plunge.
    November (46.2%) and December (30.8%) are the most popular months for making year-end asks. In addition to that, 28% of nonprofits raise between 26 – 50% of their annual funds from their year-end ask
